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Dr Nicky Rivers campaigned hard to save Smithy Wood

A huge win for our Save Smithy Wood Campaign but this is not the end

We really welcome today’s news that MSA Extra have withdrawn their application to develop a major motorway service area on Smithy Wood, a semi-natural ancient woodland and Local Wildlife Site near J35 of the M1.

Liz Ballard, Chief Executive of Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust said:

‘This is really fantastic news, working with local residents at Cowley, we have been fighting to save this woodland for 7 years.  We had an incredible amount of support from hundreds of people across Sheffield answering our call to join our peaceful protest, write letters and submit objections. So this is down to everyone who took action to help Save Smithy Wood – thank you!  But this is not the end.  For this wood to be saved for local people and wildlife we now ask St Pauls as land owners to work with us so that we can secure this woodland for future generations to enjoy.’

For more information about our Smithy Wood campaign please visit our website here – www.wildsheffield.com/campaign/smithy-wood

As a collective our membership is very powerful as it means we are consulted as a representative body regarding important wildlife matters. This gives wildlife a voice at the top tables locally and nationally. The more members we have the louder our voice for nature so please join us today so together we can continue to campaign and take action for nature – www.wildsheffield.com/join-us

If you are already a member (Thank you!) you can support our campaigning work further by donating to our campaigning fund  www.wildsheffield.com/support-us/support-an-appeal 

Smithy Wood (c) Helena Dolby
Blue Bells at Smithy Wood (c) David Dickinson