2025 Calendar available now! | Visit our online shop for gifts that support local wildlife!
Take a look, through some of the common species of wildlife that live in the South Yorkshire area around Sheffield and Rotherham.
A recently extended patch of heathland and woodland, neighbouring Wyming Brook.
Help stop the badger cull coming to Sheffield and Rotherham!
Unveil the hidden world of insects in Sheffield & Rotherham with the newest issue of Kingfisher magazine.
We are a movement of people working together for nature recovery in Sheffield.
About us | Who we are | Join us | News| Events | Toolkit
Join us to get involved, contribute to our Nature Recovery Plan for Sheffield and let us know what you can do to help.
Sign up and find out more about Nature Recovery Sheffield using the link below.
Explore new ways to connect with nature over the festive season by signing up to 12 Days Wild challenge, encouraging you to do one wild thing a day in those quiet days between Christmas and New Year.
Watch our film below to find out more about Nature Recovery Sheffield and the actions people are taking for nature restoration across our city.