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Aerial view of densly populated area with abundant street trees

South Yorkshire Woodland Partnership invite you to check your local Tree Equity

South Yorkshire Woodland Partnership are working hard to plant more trees in South Yorkshire and invite you to check the Tree Equity where you live.

The Woodland Trust has unveiled the UK Tree Equity Score, alongside American Forests and The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare.

About the Tree Equity Score

Tree Equity Score is a free, interactive tool that maps access to urban trees in the UK. It calculates a score out of 100 for every neighbourhood – the lower the score, the greater priority for tree planting.

Search the map today and find out the Tree Equity Score for your neighbourhood at  https://uk.treeequityscore.org/.

Comparison image of an area with abundant street trees versus an area with little greenery
Comparison image of an area with abundant street trees versus an area with little greenery

Improve Tree Equity in your area

If you are a landowner, community or business and want more information on how to plant trees in your neighbourhood contact us at: woodlandenquiries@wildsheffield.com.

Find your tree equity score
Find your tree equity score