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Street Trees in Nether Edge, Sheffield. Photo: Dr Nicky Rivers

New website to promote Sheffield’s street trees

Street trees are one of the greatest natural assets of Sheffield’s cityscape. Thanks to a new website from the Sheffield Street Tree Partnership, everyone can now access more information about the city’s street trees.

Sheffielders can visit sheffieldstreettreepartnership.org to find out more about the partnership, how it is working for a network of street trees our city can be proud of, and the many benefits of having a healthy street tree system. Locals will also be able to discover how to get involved with caring for street trees in their community and even how to get more trees planted! 

Nathan Edwards, Chair of the Sheffield Street Tree Partnership, said: 

“Not enough is known about the work of the Sheffield Street Tree Partnership to help develop a network of street trees that Sheffield can be proud of: well maintained and cared for; resistant to the threats of disease and climate change; and delivering many benefits for people and our environment. 

“Our new website will help raise the profile of the Partnership and its work, and I hope will  enable and empower the public, local businesses and other groups with an interest in Sheffield’s urban forest to get involved.”

The Sheffield Street Tree Partnership

The Sheffield Street Tree Partnership was established in 2019 with the goal and purpose to promote and enhance Sheffield’s street trees. Members of the partnership include Sheffield City Council, Amey, the Woodland Trust, Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust, Sheffield Tree Action Groups and volunteer Street Tree Wardens.

Richard Eyre, Director of Street Scene and Regulation at Sheffield City Council, said: 

“The new Sheffield Street Tree Partnership website is a fantastic resource to help people find out more about the street trees in their area. It will also promote the partnership’s city-wide plans to enhance Sheffield’s street trees.

“The website will enable people of all ages, across all communities to get involved in caring for street trees. Through visiting the website and finding out more, residents can help the partnership achieve its vision of a network of street trees the city can be proud of. I hope the new website will inspire residents to get involved with the partnership and take on an active role in making their neighbourhood a green and pleasant place to live.”