
Hen Harrier Day 2020 – Online

Hen Harrier Day Online will be hosted by naturalists and presenters Chris Packham and Megan McCubbin. They will be joined by some familiar faces and many new ones in an exciting programme, full of variety.

Link to the livestream on Saturday 8 August on our YouTube channel here.

Highlights over the day will include:

  • Chris and Megan hosting, supported by other well-known presenters
  • A haunting new song lamenting the loss of so many hen harriers to illegal persecution
  • Lots of great new video celebrating hen harriers and other birds of the uplands
  • Information about raptors, their persecution and other problems of the uplands
  • Readings of the winners of our Young Wild Writer Competition, with the overall winner being read by Michael Morpurgo
  • Excellent innovative video pieces from the winners of our Early Career Naturalist Challenge
  • Poetry from some of the UK’s leading poets, with several pieces written especially for Hen Harrier Day
  • Contributions from some of our leading young influencers, talking to well-known writers, politicians and others.

And more: there will be song, street art, T-shirts, more creative work by young children, cartoons, contributions on the wider animal welfare and environmental issues associated with driven grouse shooting – and ideas for how the uplands could be better managed for nature and for people.

Image (c) Mark Hamblin/2020VISION