Process to develop a Partnership Street Tree Strategy for Sheffield is underway.

[lead]Following on from the joint statement between Sheffield City Council (SCC), Sheffield TreeAction Groups (STAG) and Amey, work has begun to develop an exemplary Street Tree. Strategy for the city. The new Street Tree Strategy will supplement SCC’s Trees & Woodland Strategy which was approved in December 2018.[/lead]

The strategy is being developed by a group of partners including members of STAG, SCC, Amey, independent experts and the Woodland Trust, with Liz Ballard, Chief Executive of Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust in the role of Independent Chair.

So far the partnership group has met twice and good progress has already been made around a shared vision and aims for the strategy, taking in to consideration the many benefits that street trees can bring to people, wildlife and the wider environment, as well as considering their impact in a highway’s setting.

Liz Ballard said: “To ensure that people can follow the development of the strategy as it progresses, Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust are putting all the meeting documents and. presentations on our website. So anyone interested just needs to visit our webpages to find out more.”

The aim is to have the strategy agreed with all partner by the end of March 2020.. The meeting information can be found here: