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What Can You Do

© Hen Harrier by Mark Hamblin
  • If you are out walking the moors or woodlands and spot potential breeding pairs of peregrine, hen harriers ‘sky dancing’, short-eared owls or goshawks please call us on 0114 263 4335, or the Hen Harrier Hotline (RSPB) on 0845 460 0121.
  • If you witness a wildlife crime in progress please call 999 immediately and ask for the police. If you see something you think is suspicious, please try to take a photograph or video (only if it is safe to do so), note down any facts about what you saw and where and then report it to your local Wildlife Crime Unit – South Yorkshire Wildlife Crime’s telephone number is 101. Please also let us know. For more information about reporting wildlife crime, click here.
  • Join us and show your support at the annual Hen Harrier Days.
  • Why not join your local Bird Study or Raptor Group and help to monitor bird populations – so critical for providing the evidence base. Groups around our region include Sheffield Bird Study Group, SK58 Birders, Derbyshire Ornithological Society and Barnsley Bird Study Group. Search online for the group nearest to you.
  • Support our work in this area by making a donation to our Campaigning for Wildlife Fund
  • Volunteer on one of our work days – helping to improve the habitat these and other birds of prey need.
  • Many local habitats for birds of prey are currently protected by EU directives, the loss of which, after Brexit, could present significant long-term risks for our local wildlife and natural environment. Please write to your MP to ask how they will ensure the same level of legal protection for our internationally important species and Local Wildlife Sites after Brexit. Visit our Brexit webpage for more information about this, and please email any replies you receive to us here.
  • Tell others about the impact of rodenticide (see details on our Evidence and References page – help to spread the message about the impact of this chemical on local wildlife and the environment.