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Go peat free!

Join our campaign to make Sheffield and Rotherham peat free!

© Go Peat Free!

Join our campaign to make Sheffield and Rotherham peat free!

Peat is created by decayed organic matter and vegetation, developed slowly under particular, wet conditions over thousands of years. Peat can be found in wetlands such as bogs and moors, and its composition makes it home to a very unique ecosystem.

And when it comes to climate change, peatlands are vital. The excess carbon in our atmosphere is causing the planet to heat up. Peat bogs act like a sponge, absorbing carbon from the atmosphere and storing it like a sink.

Peat is extracted from these places for various purposes – most notably for use in garden products – which results in the destruction of this hugely important habitats. Despite the availability of peat-free products not all stores stock them,  and many retailers continue to sell peat products, despite a promise from Government that they would be phased out.

We want to make Sheffield and Rotherham peat free – but we need your help!

So please sign up to our Go Peat Free campaign. Find out more below about what you can do to help us end the sale of peat products in our area.