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Have your say for nature in the Sheffield City Centre Consultation

There’s only a few days to have your say and support nature! See our suggested responses…

Do you visit, live or work in the central area of Sheffield – from Neepsend to Kelham Island to the Universities to Queens Road and everything in between?

  • Would you like colour, shade, bird song and nature in the central area? 
  • Should your city be a climate resilient and healthy place to live and work? 
  • Should Sheffield be much more ambitious in its visions and plans to achieve this?  

Sheffield City Council are consulting on the future of this large area of the city until Sunday 13th Feb.

You can take action for nature now by having your say here

Please complete the on-line form (which takes ~7mins) or let them know your thoughts via 0808 196 5105 or info@ourcitycentre-shf.com, or visit the display in the Winter Gardens (until Sunday 13th Feb).

We know that Sheffield City Council listens when people like you speak up, and the more people the better, it really does make a difference!

See some suggested responses below and please drop us a line to let us know if you have responded, via takeaction@wildsheffield.com.

Thank you for taking action for nature.

Suggestions you may want to include in your response

Question 10:

Yes – new homes are a good idea, but residents should have easy access to high quality natural green space through well planned green infrastructure alongside the housing.

– Sheffield City Council have declared a nature emergency as well as a climate emer