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Christmas gift membership

[lead]Stuck for Christmas present ideas for your nature-loving friend? Buy them a year’s membership for Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust by Sunday 16th December and they’ll receive a plastic-busting ‘Love Wildlife’ tote bag absolutely free![/lead]

Click here to buy gift membership

(select your membership option and then select ‘this is a gift’ from the drop-down options when asked who the membership is for)

Each member also receives:

  • a welcome pack with membership card, the latest issues of Kingfisher and Natural World magazines, a guide to our nature reserves, a wildlife bookmark and a copy of the Sheffield State of Nature summary report
  • three annual mailings packed full of wildlife information, including Kingfisher and Natural World magazines
  • free access to Wildlife Trust nature reserves across the UK*
  • discounts on wildlife events and activities, and access to members’ events
  • a chance to influence the Trust’s work and make your view count.
    *With limited exceptions

But most importantly, as a member of Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust your loved one will be helping us work towards a better future for wildlife, people and the green spaces we all rely on.