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Restoring Greno Woods’ ancient woodland

30/03/2020 – update

As part of long-term management of the woods, forestry works were completed over the winter.  Felled areas will be replanted with UK species resilient to climate change.  Works are planned to repair extraction routes through the woods but unfortunately the current COVID-19 situation has curtailed contractor’s activity.  Our experience over the last ten years has shown that the woods recover quickly following felling; ground flora will re-grow with the enhanced light levels and in due course thousands of new trees will be planted.
Whilst we appreciate things look stark now, management of this nature is required to create a healthy, wildlife rich wood in the long-term.


This autumn, Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust will be carrying out restoration work to ancient woodland at Greno Woods nature reserve as part of a long-term management plan which aims to bring about a gradual shift towards the re-establishment of native broadleaf to the north and east of the site, providing a range of benefits to wildlife, people and the landscape.

The planned restoration works will take place between September and November and will include:

  • Clear felling of 5.78 hectares of non-native conifer – to be replanted with UK species resilient to climate change with native broadleaf corridors linking existing native woodland.
  • Plantation on Ancient Woodland Site (PAWS) restoration work – thinning of conifers within mixed woodland to favour native broadleaves.
  • Native broadleaf management – a small amount will be thinned to promote a healthy, wildlife rich woods.

The timber will be extracted and hauled out from Woodhead Road, with little impact on the village and surrounding communities. 

For more information about Greno Woods see our nature reserves guide here.