Wildlife and climate campaigners unite for what could be the biggest ever march for nature 13 June, 2024 30 July, 2024 Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust are encouraging everyone to ‘unite for nature’ by supporting the family friendly ‘Restore Nature Now’ demonstration in central London.The event is backed by a wide-range of nature, wildlife and climate groups – including The Wildlife Trusts – plus high-profile campaigners such as Chris Packham. The organisers hope the demonstration will be the largest-ever gathering of nature and climate supporters here in the UK. The demonstration will draw together thousands of people from all across the UK to call on all political parties to take urgent action to restore nature and tackle climate change.With the UK on record as one of the worst nations for nature loss, environment campaigners are encouraging everyone who cares for nature to come together and march through London before gathering to send a clear message in Parliament Square. The simple demand will be ‘Restore Nature Now’. Even if you can’t join the march, there are still plenty of ways to support the campaign. You can contact the Trust by emailing takeaction@wildsheffield if you want details of local events or have any questions about it. People can also pledge support through restorenaturenow.com, where there are lots of links to online workshops and creative ideas. Scarlett Smithies, Nature & Advocacy Support Officer from Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust will be attending the demonstration. The legally organised event is being billed as both a celebration of UK nature and a much-needed protest for urgent political action to tackle the nature and climate emergencies. She says: “With a General Election now confirmed for 4th July, it’s crucial that nature’s voice is heard. We’re asking everyone to help ensure that nature is given the priority it deserves, by calling on all political parties to Restore Nature Now.”The march will be peaceful and inclusive and is supported by a diverse collection of wildlife and environment groups and organisations including the RSPB, The Wildlife Trusts, The Climate Coalition, WWF-UK, National Trust, WWT, Woodland Trust, Rewilding Britain, Extinction Rebellion – and of course – C