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A harvest mouse on fennel Record your wildlife sightings

Give wildlife a helping hand in 2019

[lead]If you want a new year’s resolution that will really make a difference, then help us on our mission to create a better future in Sheffield and Rotherham for wildlife, people and the green spaces we all rely on.[/lead]

Tick off your wildlife new year’s resolutions now! Become a member of Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust for HALF PRICE this January and help us work towards a better future for wildlife, people and the green spaces we all rely on.

As an extra thank you, you’ll receive a plastic-busting ‘love wildlife’ tote bag absolutely free!

This year our reserve restoration work paid off when we found evidence of Britain’s smallest and rarest mouse – the harvest mouse – and for the first time in years pied flycatchers are breeding again at Wyming Brook!

We’ve helped thousands of people connect with nature, and we published the first ever Sheffield State of Nature report. That’s just a snapshot of our 2018 wins for wildlife. For more, take a look at our Annual Review.

With your help, we can do even more.

Join now for half price – from just £1.25 per month