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Sheffield Plan also needs to plan for and recognise the benefits of nature

Sheffield City Council have published the long-awaited first stage of their new ‘Sheffield Plan’ which will guide how and where developments and infrastructure should take place across the Sheffield District (excluding the Peak District National Park) until 2038.

Dr Nicky Rivers from the Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust says “We welcome the start of the new Sheffield Plan. Although many details are still to come, we look forward to engaging with the process.”

“Our initial reaction is that we support many of the high level principles but we would like the plan to be more ambitious and to go further to make Sheffield a truly green and sustainable city at a European level. We welcome Sheffield City Council’s recognition of the climate emergency and its pledge for net zero carbon emissions by 2030, but we call on the Council to also recognise the current nature and ecological emergency, as the two crisis go hand in hand. For example, planning new habitat at different scales alongside and within developments can provide space for nature and reduce carbon emissions.”

One of the main features of the new Sheffield Plan will be where to build new homes for the future. The Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust recognises the need for new homes in Sheffield and will be pushing for this to be done in a nature-friendly way. The Trust will also be looking at the consultation documents against its own set of high level principles to see whether the plan will include:

  • Space for nature, not only to protect the existing natural environment, but also new areas and networks for nature’s recovery.
  • Investment to enhance, expand and maintain natural green spaces.
  • High quality green infrastructure in all new development areas- including street trees, biodiverse landscaping and features for wildlife.
  • Ease and equality of access to nature for people.