Wake up to wildlife with 30 Days Wild 2021!21 May, 2021 18 June, 2024 [lead]The Wildlife Trusts spark national appetite for nature with The Big Wild Breakfast – new for the 30 Days Wild challenge in June.[/lead] Start your day the wild way on Tuesday 1 June with butterflies, bagels, worms, waffles, toads and toast for the UK’s biggest nature challenge – 30 Days Wild! The Wildlife Trusts invite the nation to join the Big Wild Breakfast, a new, outdoor, celebration to kickstart the UK’s most popular nature extravaganza – 30 Days Wild. The 30 Days Wild annual challenge from The Wildlife Trusts has had more than a million participants to date – a record 650,000 people took part in 2020 alone. Every year, people sign up to do a ‘random act of wildness’ every day for 30 days in June. Popular activities include listening to birdsong, taking wildlife photographs and planting seeds. 30 Days Wild is proven to boost your health, happiness and sense of connection to nature. New for 2021! The Wildlife Trusts – a movement of 46 nature charities across the UK – is asking everyone to kick-start their own challenge with a Big Wild Breakfast outdoors on 1st June and then keep life wild for the whole month. The Wildlife Trusts invite everyone to see how much wildlife they can spot in just 30 minutes – it’s a breakfast bio-blitz! Register to take part in 30 Days Wild and get a FREE: Big Wild Breakfast nature ‘bingo’ placemat to download Bundle of educational and fun resources Top technical tips from wildlife webcam experts Details on how to record your breakfast bio-blitz nature spots Wildlife guides, how-to guides, a fun quiz event and much more. Sign up for 30 Days Wild and get FREE activities to try at wildlifetrusts.org/30dayswild. There’s a pack of wild ideas with options for schools, care homes and businesses to take part too. Thousands of people share their own top tips and inspiration via the 30 Days Wild Facebook and Twitter communities. In 2020, a five-year review of 30 Days Wild participants, run in conjunction with the University of Derby, found that people reported they felt happier and healthier from taking part, with positive effects lasting for up to two months afterwards. Leanne Manchester, The Wildlife Trusts’ digital manager, says: “One million people have enjoyed 30 Days Wild from The Wildlife Trusts so far and it’s still growing! We’re utterly thrilled that our annual nature challenge has become so massively popular and our research with the University of Derby shows how keeping it wild for the whole month of June will make you feel happier and healthier. What could be better than making time for yoursel