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Take a look, through some of the common species of wildlife that live in the South Yorkshire area around Sheffield and Rotherham.
A recently extended patch of heathland and woodland, neighbouring Wyming Brook.
Help stop the badger cull coming to Sheffield and Rotherham!
Unveil the hidden world of insects in Sheffield & Rotherham with the newest issue of Kingfisher magazine.
Contact your MP and ask them to support a strong Environment Act for nature's recovery.
[lead]Nature needs better protection, both here in Sheffield and Rotherham and nationally. We have a chance to do something about this, right now.[/lead]
Contact your MP.
The Wildlife Trusts are part of the wider Greener UK movement, which has convinced the Government of the need for a new law – an Environment Act – to improve protection for our country’s wildlife. But not all politicians are convinced, and to make sure the law not only protects wildlife but helps it to recover, we need everyone on board.
MPs will be voting on this soon and we need them to support a strong Environment Act, because a country with more wildlife is better for everyone, wildlife and people.
Our wildlife has fewer places to find food every day – thousands of birds, insects and other animals across England are finding it harder and harder to survive. Plants and trees are under pressure too.
Nature doesn’t have an MP – but you do. Already many of our members have contacted and met with their MPs, so please join them and contact your MP to call for a strong, ambitious Environment Act that will put nature into recovery by including:
Nature targets: legal targets for nature’s recovery that politicians must ultimately achieve and regularly report on progress towards e.g. safer air to breathe in our cities.
Nature recovery networks: a joined-up network of habitats that provide enough space for wildlife to recover and for people to thrive.
A green watchdog: an independent body to help people challenge bad decisions made by Government and councils, which have a negative impact on wildlife and our natural environment.
How would an Environment Act help wildlife in Sheffield and Rotherham?