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Take a look, through some of the common species of wildlife that live in the South Yorkshire area around Sheffield and Rotherham.
A recently extended patch of heathland and woodland, neighbouring Wyming Brook.
Help stop the badger cull coming to Sheffield and Rotherham!
Unveil the hidden world of insects in Sheffield & Rotherham with the newest issue of Kingfisher magazine.
Join me on my quest to keep a toddler entertained in my garden and home, using nature as our inspiration with fun, adventure (and a bit of learning!) as the goal.
All the activities are simple using things you can, mostly, find in and around your home, and will be free.
My 2 and ½ year old and I will test out these simple and easy-to-do-at-home activities. We’ll let you know the results, and would love to hear how you get on, too. Hopefully they will help to keep you both entertained (and sane!) as they have done for us.
Sarah and Oscar x
Thank you to the National Lottery Heritage Fund for support with this content.
A mix between a memory game and a sensory exclusion activity, try this fun challenge out with your toddler, and they can have a go at testing you, too!
A mixture between a science experiment and an art project, this activity will help to engage children of all ages, from discovering how the ice caps melt, to being a simple sensory experience – fun for all the family!