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Train by Terry Whittaker

HS2 event in Aston

[lead]Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust are holding an HS2 community event on Thursday 29 November 2018. The Trust is determined to ensure that, if HS2 is coming to South Yorkshire, the region gets the best deal for wildlife and our local communities.[/lead]

The Trust is seeking views from local people to help shape their response to HS2 Ltd’s recently released environmental consultation on HS2 Phase 2b. At the event, to be held at Aston Hall Cricket Club, Green Lane, Aston, S26 2BD, staff from the Trust will share information from the draft Environmental Statement and the likely impacts of the route on local wildlife, habitats and green space. The Trust will be asking for comments and ideas on how to reduce or remove the negative environmental impacts of the development to help deliver the best possible outcome for both nature and people.

Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust is concerned about the impacts HS2 will have on landscapes, rights of way, habitats, wildlife and ecosystems along the proposed route. The Trust opposes the development due to a lack of evidence to show a net gain for biodiversity from the proposal.

Booking for the event is essential. The event is free for members of Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust and £5 for non-members. Places can be booked online at wildsheffield.com/event/hs2. Attendees are asked to arrive at 6.45pm for a 7pm start.

For more information about the event, email mail@wildsheffield.com

For more information about Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust’s position on HS2, visit wildsheffield.com/campaign/hs2

The Government’s consultation on the working draft Environmental Statement for HS2 Phase 2b closes on 21 December 2018 and is available online at gov.uk/government/consultations/hs2-phase-2b-working-draft-environmental-statement