2025 Calendar available now! | Visit our online shop for gifts that support local wildlife!
Take a look, through some of the common species of wildlife that live in the South Yorkshire area around Sheffield and Rotherham.
A recently extended patch of heathland and woodland, neighbouring Wyming Brook.
Help stop the badger cull coming to Sheffield and Rotherham!
Unveil the hidden world of insects in Sheffield & Rotherham with the newest issue of Kingfisher magazine.
Over 200 entries were received for our inaugural local wildlife photography competition and the quality on offer was exceptional. Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust would like to place on record our thanks to everybody who took part. Our panel of expert judges were blown away with the standard of entries and stated that selecting winners was extremely difficult.
An exhibition of shortlisted entries took place at the Trust’s AGM on Thursday 29 September 2022, where the competition winners were announced by judge and popular Wildlife Photographer Guy Badham. Twelve of the incredible photographs won a place adorning particular months of the Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust Calendar 2023, with a 13th chosen as the calendar’s cover image.
Sadly we can’t display all 200+ entries, but for those who couldn’t make it to our exhibition and AGM we present an online gallery of 60 of the shortlisted entries, along with the winners (use page numbers below the gallery to navigate between pages).