Take a look, through some of the common species of wildlife that live in the South Yorkshire area around Sheffield and Rotherham.
A recently extended patch of heathland and woodland, neighbouring Wyming Brook.
Help stop the badger cull coming to Sheffield and Rotherham!
Unveil the hidden world of insects in Sheffield & Rotherham with the newest issue of Kingfisher magazine.
South Yorkshire Local Nature Partnership (LNP) has been formally designated by the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food & Rural Affairs as part of a network of LNPs established across the country in 2012.
They were established for the purpose of protecting and improving the natural environment in an area and the benefits derived from it.
LNPs were set up to help their local area manage the natural environment as a system and to embed its value in local decisions for the benefit of nature, people and the economy.
The overall purpose of a LNP is to:
Local Nature Partnerships – an overview
Duty to Co-operate
South Yorkshire LNP has commented on a number of local plans. Please see more about our work here.
Section 33A of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 imposes a duty on local planning authorities, county councils and prescribed persons to co-operate with each other in relation to the planning of certain categories of sustainable development or use of land. The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 made a provision for Local Nature Partnerships to be one of these bodies.
This includes working collaboratively with Local Planning Authorities, and along with Local Enterprise Partnerships, as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework:
“25. Strategic policy-making authorities should collaborate to identify the relevant strategic matters which they need to address in their plans. They should also engage with their local communities and relevant bodies including Local Enterprise Partnerships, Local Nature Partnerships, the Marine Management Organisation, county councils, infrastructure providers, elected Mayors and combined authorities (in cases where Mayors or combined authorities d