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Mallard by Rob Miller
© Mallard by Rob Miller


Anas Platyrhynchos

The mallard is the most familiar of all the dabbling ducks, found right across Europe, Asia and North America.

© Mallard Ducklings by Rob Miller

They have also been introduced to South Africa and Australia. Mallards are a common sight at your local park or pond and are often very tame, being fed by the public regularly.

How to Identify

The breeding plumage of the male mallard includes a shiny green head, maroon-brown chest, yellow bill and curly black feathers just above the tail. Female mallards are brown and mottled in comparison.

Where to find

Our commonest duck, found throughout the country.

How People Can Help

The mallard is a common duck but has recently been added to the Amber List of Birds of Conservation Concern because non-breeding populations are declining. This demonstrates that the survival of some of our most common waterbirds is under threat due to the loss and degradation of our wetland habitats. Local Wildlife Trusts work hard to protect and manage the wetland habitats that our waterbirds need to survive; by volunteering you can help too and you’ll make new friends and learn new skills along the way.

Did you know?

The mallard is the ancestor of the domesticated, farmyard duck.

Key Facts

  • Length: 55-62cm
  • Wingspan: 90cm
  • Weight: 970-1200g
  • Average Lifespan: 3 years


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