A Crossbill male faces to the left side while displaying his brick red colour from the topmost branch of a tree.
© Photo by John Bridges


Loxia curvirostra

The Crossbill is a large finch of conifer woodlands; so-named for its bizarre cross-tipped bill, which it uses skilfully to prise out and eat the seeds from pine cones.

© Photo by Stefan Johansson

The Crossbill feeds by flying from cone to cone, and can most often be seen in larges flocks near the treetops, although it regularly comes down to pools to drink. It is resident all year-round, but some years are ‘irruption’ years when it becomes widespread and numerous as it is joined by Continental birds looking for food and which may stay to breed.

Crossbills nest in conifer trees, constructing small cups out of twigs and moss, and lining them with hair.

How to Identify

Crossbills are difficult to spot as they spend most of their time at the top of pine trees. They have distinctive crossed bills and forked tails; males are brick-red, females olive-green with a yellow rump. Two similar species include the Parrot Crossbill which is slightly larger with a heavier bill, and the Scottish Crossbill which is endemic to Scots Pine woods in Scotland and has a slightly smaller bill.

Where to Find

Widespread in conifer forests.

How People Can Help

The Wildlife Trusts manage many woodland nature reserves sympathetically for all kinds of birds from Crossbills to Goldcrests, Nuthatches to Whitethroats. You can help too: volunteer for The Wildlife Trusts and you could be involved in everything from traditional forest crafts to raising awareness about birds.

Did you know?

Crossbills nest very early in the year, hatching their chicks in February and March to take advantage of the new crop of pine cones. They have even been known to breed all year-round when there are good cone crops.

Key Facts

  • Length: 17cm
  • Wingspan: 29cm
  • Weight: 43g
  • Average Lifespan: 2 years


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