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A Yellowhammer male sings from his plant top perch
© Photo by Harry Hogg


Emberiza Citrinella

The Yellowhammer is a sparrow-sized, bright-yellow bird of woodland edges, hedgerows, heath and farmland that feeds on seeds and invertebrates.

© Photo by Mark Hamblin/2020VISION

In the winter, they join mixed-species flocks of buntings, finches and sparrows to feed on seed in farmland. Yellowhammers are often seen perched on top of bushes singing their ‘a little bit of bread and no cheese’ song. The female builds a cup-shaped nest from grass and moss, laying between two and six eggs.

How to Identify

The male Yellowhammer is a striking bird: he has a bright yellow head and belly, with an orangey chest and streaky, brown back. Female buntings, including female Yellowhammers and Reed Buntings, can be very difficult to tell apart.

Where to find


How People Can Help

Yellowhammer numbers have decreased significantly over recent decades – a decline mirrored by many of our farmland and garden birds. Changes in agricultural practices, such as the removal of hedgerows and increased use of pesticides, have had detrimental effects, but The Wildlife Trusts are working closely with farmers and landowners to promote wildlife-friendly practices. We are working towards a ‘Living Landscape’: a network of habitats and wildlife corridors across town and country, which are good for both wildlife and people. You can support this greener vision for the future by joining your local Wildlife Trust.

Did you know?

Resident in the UK all year-round, our Yellowhammers are joined by some Scandinavian birds during winter.

Key Facts

  • Length: 16cm
  • Wingspan: 26cm
  • Weight: 31g
  • Average Lifespan: 3 years


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